
Researchers, practitioners and academics may be interested in reading articles on ecopsychology and wellbeing. There are a number of journals that publish papers in this area.

Journal of Ecopsychology
ISSN: 2752-5260

The Journal of Ecopsychology (JoE) is a peer reviewed journal launched in 2021. We publish theory, research and practice articles on all aspects of ecopsychology. The Journal of Ecopsychology editorial team invite papers on the theory, research and practice of ecopsychology. Editorials are written by the editors on topics of general interest or journal policy. Perspectives, leading articles, invited papers and keynote speeches maybe commissioned from experts in the Ecopsychology and applied fields. The journal is published by the National Wellbeing Service Ltd and sponsored by the International Centre for Ecopsychology.

Journal of Ecopsychology.


Ecopsychology seeks to reshape modern psychology by showing that it cannot stand apart from an intimate human connection with the natural environment. We need that connection with nature to do well mentally and physically, let alone to flourish, as individuals and as a species. Against this backdrop, the Journal publishes original scientific research articles, as well as theoretical papers, case studies, nature writing, and reviews of important books and other media.


European Journal of Ecopsychology

The European Journal of Ecopsychology (EJE) is a peer-reviewed journal that aims to explore the synthesis of psychological and ecological ideas from a variety of perspectives.

European Journal of Ecopsychology

European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology

The European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology (EJAPP) is a peer reviewed journal. It will publish theory, research and practice articles on all aspects of positive psychology. Perspectives, leading articles and keynote speeches maybe commissioned from experts in the positive psychology and applied fields.

European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology

International Journal of Stress Prevention and Wellbeing

The International Journal of Stress Prevention and Wellbeing (IJSPW) is a peer reviewed journal. It will publish theory, research and practice articles on all aspects of stress: Stress research: Stress prevention: Stress management: Stress at work: Stress and education: Stress and management: Stress and health: Stress counselling: Stress management training: Health education: Health Promotion: Stress and coaching: Stress and leadership: Locus of control: Type A behaviour: Coping strategies: Change management: Relaxation: Meditation: Mindfulness: Psychophysiology: Biology: Wellbeing.

International Journal of Stress Prevention and Wellbeing

The Trumpeter. Journal of Ecosophy

The Trumpeter is an environmental journal dedicated to the development of an ecosophy, or wisdom, born of ecological understanding and insight. 

The Trumpeter. Journal of Ecosophy